Monday, October 30, 2006

Some Ramblings

I'm a great-auntie! My nephew and his wife from Houston welcomed A.J. Rose into the world on October 27! Details to follow but I hear mama and baby are doing fine. Geez, it wasn't that long ago when my nephew Harris was a baby himself! (Actually, it was 34 years ago but who's counting?) :-)

Baristanet introduced this CAPTCHA feature which is driving me (and probably others) loco.

Evidently, they've been plagued with spam so the CAPTCHA is designed to keep out the spambots by making humans type in some numerals and letters. Fine, I understand. Craigslist does the same thing.

However, if you post at say, 6 PM and you try to post again 5 minutes later, you're shit outta luck. Try your post again in 3 hours! No, I am not being facetious.

I know that they're trying to make improvements to the site but they've asked for our feedback and I vented about it. You asked for it, you got it, Toyota!

I hope my comments have not fallen on deaf ears. If they have, I will have to look for my entertainment elsewhere. Oh no!


Yesterday, Tom & I did this cross-country 5K down in Holmdel. To say the course was challenging would be an understatement. Hills, treacherous paths through the woods, not to mention 25 MPH winds. Neither one of us had great times but our goal was to actually incorporate this as part of a longer run in preparation for the Philly Marathon on Nov. 19.

Well, we went around the course 2-1/2 more times, ran out on the flat road a bit and then called it quits. We had wanted to do about 20 miles but only ended up doing 16. The wind was beating us up!

I almost never get tired on long runs but I felt wiped afterwards. Another friend from the running club said that running in those conditions is tantamount to doing a longer distance. That made me feel a little better about it.

Curious to see how I'll do in Philly. Tom needs to do 4:15 to qualify for Boston. I don't care if I qualify for Boston but I would like to do around 4:30. Marathons are not really my event. I do better in the 5Ks, 10Ks, half-marathons. Marathons just take a lot out of you and you really have to put in the time and mileage to do well.

This is my last marathon, folks. You read it here.

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