Tuesday, October 04, 2005

What's Your Type?

I found this book called "Diabetes: Fight It with the Blood Type Diet" by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo. I'm not diabetic but I was diagnosed with glucose intolerance last year. However, after losing 10 lbs., I was told that is no longer the case. BUT...I plan to be diligent about it.

Now back to the book. Basically, this doctor says that if you follow a diet that is tailored to your blood type, you can control your blood sugar. I'm a little skeptical about the whole thing, though. Yes, he may have a point to some degree but there are soooo many other factors involved here (your age, your weight, your genetics/ancestry, activity level, to name a few) that it just seems too cut and dried for my tastes.

For example, my boyfriend and I have the same blood type, A+ (yay, we're compatible!). But, from a physiological standpoint, we're very different. He has some gastro issues (IBS, GERD); I do not. He also cannot tolerate alcohol any longer (he gets very dehydrated). He has a much higher triglyeride level than I do; mine is at 55. He has an HDL level of around 35; mine is 68. However, my glucose level is a bit higher as is my total cholesterol. You can't tell me that a healthy diet that works for me would be the same one that works for him, based on the fact that we share the same blood type. I don't think so.

I need to find a book that tells you how to keep your glucose level down below 100. So far, all I've been able to find are books geared toward diabetics. So, if anyone knows such a book out there, gimme a holler!

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