Saturday, February 18, 2006

No Easter Eggs, No Volcanoes :-(

I was bored and decided to search for Microsoft Easter Eggs. The last time I did that was in 1998 on my old computer.

In case you don't know, Easter Egg is a term that refers to an undocumented feature or novelty that is in a program that the makers of said program placed there for additional fun and credits. Easter Eggs do not affect your computer's performance in any way, either to the hardware or software.

I remembered there was a really cool one called "Volcano" where you right-click on the desktop, click Properties, then click on the Settings tab, choose 3D text as a screen saver and then click on Settings. In the Text Box, you type "volcano" and click OK. Voila! You get a cool-looking volcano as a screen saver.

Well, I tried that and all I got was a 3D version of the word "volcano" spinning around on my screen. "Honey, why do we have the word volcano as a screen saver?" asked the boyfriend.'s why: Evidently, after some sleuthing on Net, I found out that Windows XP, which is what I have, does NOT have any Easter Eggs! Bummer! The reasons are varied. Some folks say that Microsoft sells a lot of XP software to many government agencies and they don't need any "stinkin' Easter Eggs" in the software for security reasons. Some other folks call bullshit on this and say it's only the American version of the software that lacks Easter Eggs and the reason why is simply that Microsoft wanted a more "corporate" version of its software in the XP and deleted all the Easter Eggs.

But, I still hold out hope. A small core of people claim there are a few Easter Eggs in the XP software if you know where to find them. Can anyone help? There's a beer in it for ya.

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