Sunday, November 05, 2006

What a (use your own expletive)! has something called the Douchebag Awards, intended for people who act like, well, douchebags. Maybe I should start something similar here although I would have to change the name of the awards to something else, lest I be accused of being a copycat and a plagiarist.

I found this little gem in my emailbox last night:

Do you have nothing better to do then sit on your computer and discuss the personal lives of people who you do not know? I am speaking about your comments about the Carbones being "numerous and breeders". People in the 1940's and 50's were know for having more than the typical 2.5 children of this generation. I would like you to know that May and Sam Carbone have left a legacy of healthy and successful adults who contribute to society. They are teachers, engineers, architects, mothers and fathers.

Granddaughter of May and Sam Carbone

My first reaction was wha...? I don't know any of these people, I don't know anyone in East Rutherford, I don't remember making this comment, and who is this (use your own expletive)?

But I decided to do a little investigation. Since it was obvious she was referring to, I went to the site and typed "Carbone" into Google. I DO remember a discussion about East Rutherford and a reference to the Carbone family. But, I repeat, I DID NOT MAKE IT!

And sure enough, there it was, the aforementioned comment, attributed to another blogger who shall remain nameless.

So, Ms. Jaime, I ask you this question: Do you have nothing better to do then sit on your computer and discuss the personal lives of people who you do not know?

May I also suggest that although "May and Sam Carbone left a legacy of healthy and successful adults who contribute to society," that you might not be one of them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

About the last line in this blog. Ouch!