Saturday, January 27, 2007

New Toy?

Tom was flipping through one of the hundreds of catalogs we receive every year --we especially love the ones with stickers on them that say, "This is your last catalog unless you place an order!" and it's usually the ONLY catalog we've ever received from said company--and came across a neat toy/invention.

It's a turntable that has a USB connection for your computer. This means that you can record 33 and 45 RPM vinyl records onto CDs and mp3s! Wowwee! I have been waiting for something like this for a long time. I've always bemoaned the fact that I own sooo many records but can only play them on my turntable. Granted, you can find a lot of songs on iTunes but not EVERYTHING, especially if it's some really, really obscure punk band from the 80s. So this is the answer to my dreams. It's $249 but I'll just charge it. I almost never use plastic but I am really making a concerted effort to save for a house so I don't want to dip into my savings for luxury items. But something like this doesn't come along every day.


Had my second session with the chiro today. It went well. He found some more aches and pains that I didn't know I had...:-) It's 8 PM now (my session was at 9 AM) and all I feel is a really minor dull ache so that's a good thing. He said I may feel an ache for a day or two and then I should be pain free. Let's hope so.

I was able to get in 8 miles today and a 45-minute workout with the weights, avoiding anything to do with the lower back. I want to wait until this thing is completely gone. It acted up last week when I got up off a weight bench after lifting a 12-pound weight over my head and back.

It's something called the psoas, something of which I've never heard. It's a tissue that runs deep within the buttock and is literally a real pain the ass! Very common in runners, I am told. He gave me a few exercises to keep it from acting up again. He also told me that I should try to stabilize my lower back as much as possible while this thing heals. The stability ball might be a better choice than the weight bench although I always feel like I am going to fall off the ball! Guess I have to get used to it.

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