Wouldn't it be neat if poor people had credit cards with no limits that never needed to be paid.... wallets that were always full of cash... pockets that ALWAYS had 8 quarters.... and so on.
LOL. I was referring to me, although I am not really "poor," unless you compare me all the new young million- and billionaires moving into Baristaville. I just know there's a rich person inside me trying to get out!
That's funny!
Wouldn't it be neat if poor people had credit cards with no limits that never needed to be paid.... wallets that were always full of cash... pockets that ALWAYS had 8 quarters.... and so on.
I wish that life were fairer.
LOL. I was referring to me, although I am not really "poor," unless you compare me all the new young million- and billionaires moving into Baristaville. I just know there's a rich person inside me trying to get out!
I try to live that way every day myself, LOL!
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