Thursday, May 10, 2007

5 Questions

This meme was passed on to me from MauiGirl, whose link I've added to this blog:

1. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog?

Very good question, indeed. Originally, I was going to create a blog that was sort of a diary of my running/fitness pursuits. But, if that's all I wrote about, think it would be pretty boring to non-runners/fitness buffs. So now I only mention it when I've run a race particularly well, won an award, or achieved some other goal.

I thought about a political blog but there are soooooo many of them out there. I'd be competing with people like Michelle Malkin and Andrew Sullivan. Not a good idea.

So, basically, through no fault of my own, this blog has become the Everything to Everyone Blog. Do I like that fact? Not really. But I have yet to be inspired as to what I want this blog to become.

A while back, a friend told me to walk into a bookstore and let a book pick YOU, not the other way around. I hope I have the same experience with my blog.

2. Are you a spiritual person?

Yes, I am. I do believe in a higher power. That being said, I don't adhere to any organized religion. Too many man-made restrictions. I know I may get flamed for this but I really don't think that God intended for man not to eat certain foods (well, maybe transfats), wear certain materials, or give up other earthly pleasures. My God also does not discriminate against women. He created them, after all!

Basically, my God wants me to treat other people well, be charitable (not just with money) and to find love in the world.

3. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?
A book on survival, a fishing pole, a good sunscreen!

4. What's your favorite childhood memory?
Having my extended family together for the holidays. I got a feeling of security from that.

5. Is this your first meme? Yes, it is!


Mauigirl said...

Thanks, Martta, great answers! Thanks for doing my meme!

Fishing pole is a good idea, I want to change my bow and arrow to a fishing pole. I wouldn't really want to kill animals; fish wouldn't bother me so much! ;-)

I know what you mean about the blog; it tends to evolve as you go along, I find. Plus I discovered I needed to start different blogs if I wanted to write on different subjects!

Bill Burton said...

I'm an informal casual somewhat libertarian too, and I believe that overpopulation is the cause of many evils...

.... but you and I are different in our religious beleifs. I don't belief in any gods, which is sometimes depressing.

Martta said...

A lot of my friends, including my eldest brother, are atheists. I don't begrudge them, whatever works for them. Most of them are very logical or scientific-minded and they say it's impossible to believe in both God and science. I don't agree with that. I believe in both.