Friday, February 15, 2008

I Don't Make 'Em Up, I Just Post 'Em

And this is the generation that supposedly is going to take care of us in our old age? Lord help us. Armageddon is truly around the corner. And you wonder why I like dogs better than kids. Italics are mine.

February 15, 2008
Attacks on the Homeless Rise, With Youths Mostly to Blame
CROSS CITY, Fla. — Warren Messner was 15 when he and some friends attacked a homeless man and left him for dead. Mr. Messner jumped on a log laid across the man’s ribs. He does not know why. He was high, does not remember much and wants to forget the rest.

Today Mr. Messner is a baby-faced Translation: fat and ugly 18-year-old serving 22 years for second-degree murder. He used to like skipping school and listening to rap music with friends. He imagined he eventually would help his father install flooring. Now he talks to his parents nearly every night from the maximum-security Cross City Correctional Institution.

“It was just a senseless crime.” he said, his eyes down, his shoulders slumped. “I wish it would have never happened. It made no sense. It was stupidity.”

Mr. Messner’s story is not unusual. Nationwide, violence against the homeless is soaring, and overwhelmingly the attackers are teenagers and young adults. In Florida the problem is so severe that the National Coalition for the Homeless is setting up speakers bureaus to address a culture that sees attacking the homeless as a sport. It is the first time the organization has singled out a particular state.

Of more than 142 unprovoked attacks on homeless people in 2007, the most — at least 32 — were in Florida, according to a preliminary count by the coalition and the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty. Nationwide, such attacks rose about 65 percent from 2005.

In Fort Lauderdale a group of teenagers captured national attention in 2006 when a surveillance camera caught one laughing as he beat a homeless man with a baseball bat. The teenagers attacked three homeless men that night and face a murder trial in one man’s death. A year later in Daytona Beach, a 17-year-old and two 10-year-olds attacked a homeless Army veteran. One 10-year-old dropped a cement block on the man’s face, the police said.

“What could possibly be in the mind of a 10- or 12-year-old that would possess them to pick up a rock and pick up a brick and beat another human being in the head?” said Ron Book, chairman of the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust. “It defies any rational thought process, but it’s also why we felt so strongly we had to do something.”

The trust has teamed with the local schools to develop a curriculum for elementary, middle and high schools teaching respect for the homeless.

Advocates for the homeless blame a society that they say shuns the homeless through laws that criminalize sleeping in parks, camping and begging.

“I think it reflects a lack of respect for the homeless that has reached such extreme proportions that homeless people aren’t viewed as people,” said Maria Foscarinis, executive director of the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty. I think it shows a lack of respect for ALL living beings.

Troubled by news photos showing those two 10-year-olds in Daytona Beach in prison suits and handcuffs, NOT ME! the National Coalition for the Homeless joined with AmeriCorps Vista to open speakers bureaus last fall in Key West, Jacksonville and Tallahassee. Nine more are planned in Florida. The idea is to educate students using speakers who are homeless or once lived on the streets, and the organization wants to open more bureaus nationwide, said Michael Stoops, executive director of the coalition.

The speakers are like George Siletti, who grew up in foster care and lived as a homeless drifter on and off for 25 years, starting at the age of 16. Now 51, Mr. Siletti said he took medication for schizophrenia and depression and lived in subsidized housing in Washington, addressing schools, churches and organizations about homelessness.

“I’ve had bottles thrown at me. I’ve had people spit on me, cursed me out for no reason,” said Mr. Siletti, who was attacked by teenagers in Fort Lauderdale as he and others slept under a bridge in the 1980s. “People seem to pick on the most vulnerable because they really think that they won’t do nothing.”

In Miami, students are learning from a weeklong curriculum and a DVD teaching that families are the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population. The curriculum requires younger students to make posters and older students to write essays about what they learned.

Legislation adding the homeless to hate-crime laws has been introduced in Alaska, California, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, Ohio and Texas. Bills are also pending in Congress.

Mr. Messner, who is an imposing six feet, 240 pounds in his blue prison suit, talks about his crime with quiet resignation.

He and his friends were looking for a place to smoke marijuana near his home in the Daytona Beach area when they stumbled on Michael Roberts. Mr. Messner joined the attack and remembers hearing Mr. Roberts groan when he jumped on the log, but then Mr. Messner tried to pull his friends away, he said.

Confession: I, too, smoked weed as a youth. Never once did I feel like killing someone. There's more going on here, something pathological. Pot doesn't make you into a violent killer.

“He was making noises,” Mr. Messner said. “He asked one time why we was doing it to him. Why we was messing with him.”

A few days later, Mr. Roberts’s body was found. Mr. Messner agreed to a plea bargain and drew the lightest sentence of the four convicted in the attack.

He does not like prison much. No, shit, Sherlock. It's not a country club. He keeps busy doing yard work, exercising and reading.And I am stuck at work. Nice. He likes James Patterson novels and murder mysteries.No surprise here. He has dropped at least 40 pounds and developed a penchant for prison tattoos. One arm reads “thug” while the other reads “life.” His mother’s name, Lori, is on one hand. Mother of the Year, oh yeah.. On one arm is the same cross he wears around his neck, surrounded by the words “hope,” “faith” and “love.” Giving Christians everywhere a bad name.

“I’m not a killer. I know that,” Mr. Messner said. “A lot of people, they see this story and call us killers. I’m not a killer. I regret what I did. I wish I could take it back.” Uh. Yes, you are, Dumbshit. By anyone's definition.


Anonymous said...

It doesn't take much training in psychology to reach the conclusion that you have made "childfree lifestyle" such a tenet in your life because you have misgivings that you yourself never had children. Of course you wouldn't admit that because you are on such a high horse that your head is in the clouds. You have an unhealthy hang-up about children and look for evidence that supports your distorted view. I'm sure that if I decided that a "dog free lifestyle" is an issue I stand by and believe fiercely in, I could find plenty of news items about dogs attacking innocent people (and not dogs that have not been treated well). But, I like dogs, and I realize that decrying a "lifestyle" that includes dogs, is well, dumb and kind of pathetic. But, actually, I feel kind of sorry for you and I hope that you work through your deep-rooted problems. Perhaps your time would be better spent sitting in a therapist's office than posting incessantly on the internet...just a thought with your best interest at heart.

Martta said...

Oh puleese. Takes a lotta balls to post anonymously, doesn't it? Please save your pity for someone who gives a shit. I live a full life, have wonderful friends, a good family and too many interests to fit into a 24-hour day. So I dislike most kids and don't fit into your limited view of the world? Burn me at the stake!

Mauigirl said...

Good answer, Martta!

While I do applaud anyone who has the courage and tenacity to have children and raise them, I am so glad I didn't do it. For all we know, this kid's mom really did try hard and it was some tendency he was born with that caused him to do what he did. Sometimes good parents raise bad kids no matter how hard they try. Some kids are born evil. And some are just stupid. I think this one is one of the latter.

Teens have low impulse control and their brains have not yet fully developed. I'm not making excuses for his actions at all but it just goes to show that no matter how hard people try, sometimes kids do bad things.

So, I'm glad I never took the chance of raising one myself! And, considering how I spoil our dog (mostly because of her incessant nagging for treats), it is probably for the best, because of nothing else I probably would have spoiled a kid too and turned him or her into a total brat!