Sunday, December 24, 2006

News from the Dysfunction Junction

First of all, Merry Christmas, if anyone happens to be reading this now or on Christmas Day!

That being said, it's always Jerry Springerland when I call my niece in Houston, Texas, to check in on her. Thank God that she and her siblings have seen fit to finally divorce themselves from their toxic mother (my brother's first wife). No one said it was going to be easy but most things in life that are worthwhile are not.

That being said, since it is Christmas Eve, I'll spare you all the gory details for now. (I still haven't digested them all myself). I will revisit them later in the week but not before I've had a good night's sleep!

Tomorrow morning, I have to wake up early and bake oatmeal cookies for BF's family. Then after we exchange gifts, it's off to his son's house.

He told me not to go overboard this year being that we treated ourselves to a flat-screen TV back in November but I can't help myself. I got him:

badly needed luggage
a gift certificate for a massage
a gift certificate to our fave sports store
some tools and stuff he needs for his car
a tiny tool kit for his bicycle
new wallet
new keyfob
2007 datebook
and some other stuff I don't even remember!

He's tough to buy for. First of all, he doesn't need any more clothes. He's one of the few men I know that has more clothes than me. Not that he's a clotheshorse, he just NEVER THROWS ANYTHING OUT. A few times a year, I literally have to beg him to give away some stuff to the Salvation Army, the U.S. Vets, or other such charity or else he would not be able to close the drawers in his bureau or the closet doors.

He's a periodical and newspaper reader, not a booklover.

So, basically, I try to buy him things that he normally wouldn't buy for himself (i.e., the massage).

Well, I am off to try and fall asleep, despite all the caffeine I've had today. Maybe I'll find some Ambien in my stocking tomorrow.

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