Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Good News, The Bad News

The Good News:
I now weigh less than what I weighed in college.
I am starting to see some definition in my abs.
I feel pretty good.

The Bad News:
The weather has not been cooperating, so my race times are off.
A lot of my clothes are too big.
I still have boobage. (WHAT is up with that? Even with all the weight and body fat I've lost, they are still the same size...argh!)

I have no idea what my body fat is now but my guess is that's it's probably between 15% and 16%. The last time I was measured was about a month ago and it was 16% and some change. I should probably go and have it done again.

I am getting to the gym 2-3 times a week but I am certainly not getting out to run as much as I did this time last year because of the damn weather. Yes, I stil do races on the weekend but my times are lagging about a minute behind. A 10K race was cancelled this past weekend in Branch Brook Park. We were all set to do it and then a friend of ours called. Bummer. What's a little rain, right? Heck, four members of my running club did the Boston Marathon in a nor'easter; who am I to complain?

I am eating the same amount, more or less. I say more or less because my boyfriend is now on a special diet (temporarily) where he can't have sugar, dairy or wheat. If you think that's easy, think again. I could give up the sugar, no problem, MAYBE dairy, but wheat is in EVERYTHING! The only grainy thing he's really allowed to have right now is couscous, which is pretty tasty actually.

The reason for the diet: TK was diagnosed as not having enough acid in his stomach to digest his food properly. This, according to the fancy-schmancy NY specialist, is why he's been suffering with stomach pain, shakiness, brain fog, fatigue...a while litany of ailments. This syndrome (don't laugh, it's called "dumping syndrome" because all of the undigested food is "dumped" into the small intestine) can be due to years and years of bad eating habits. I always yelled at him for eating a lot of sugar and white flour products. He never took me seriously. But now the doctor is saying the same thing.

He IS feeling better. In addition to the diet, he has to take a whole host of supplements. They ain't cheap, either. But, like I said, he is feeling better and even did a 5K race for the first time in six weeks this past weekend.

So, even though I don't have to give up wheat, I find myself wanting it less and less. Bread (I only eat whole wheat bread anyway) has become kinda boring. I still like brown rice, though, and oatmeal. Pasta, only once in a blue moon. And, like I said, I am loving the couscous. Hence, the reason for additional weight loss. Whole Foods has lots and lots of wheat-free and gluten-free products so it hasn't really been a problem.

According to some experts, humans were never meant to eat such large quantities of wheat/grain products. We've only been an agrarian people for the last 10,000 years or so, a drop in the bucket of our whole existence. Lots of people have wheat and/or gluten allergies and others, like TK, have systems that just can't tolerate great quantities of them.

So, what's been happening also is that more veggies, fruits and nuts have been replacing the wheat products. Not a bad thing, I suppose.

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