Monday, January 28, 2008

My Definition of Heaven

Well at least ONE definition.

Yesterday, TK the Wonder Fiance and I went for a run in the South Mountain Reservation. He is training for the Boston Marathon in April so he wanted to do between 13-15. Me, I am currently training to go home and take a nap, so I just did 8 and it was decided that I would wait for him in the reservation's new doggie park.

It was cold, but not windy, and the sun was trying to peek out at times. I grabbed a chair facing the sun in the dog park. No sooner than when I had sat down, I was surrounded, surrounded I say, by doggies of all shapes and sizes! I had died and gone to Heaven! I was the most popular girl at the dance.

A handsome big black Schnauzer was checking me out to see if I brought any food (I hadn't), so he soon lost interest. An Australian Shepherd mix just lay down beside me. A gorgeous chocolate Lab, just my type, would not stop barking at me. It wasn't an angry bark, more like a bark to announce, "Here I am." His owner said he does that with everyone. Well, doesn't THAT just make me feel special! Eventually, as he got used to me and realized that I wasn't going to bite his throat, he eased off. I really wanted to cuddle with him but he didn't seem like the cuddly type.

But the best one was this little English Bulldog, who brought me the most disgusting-looking tennis ball I had ever seen. Ripped, torn, slimy, gobby--but he thought it was the most wonderful thing in the world. I threw it for him, he fetched it, and now we're BFF. I must've thrown that gross thing about 50 times but he was loving it.

Soon, it got cold so I went back to the car to warm up. TK came back in about 10 minutes and I told him that I had males begging me, kissing me, slobbering on me, and I must've fallen in love about five times. Being that he's known me for about five years, he understood completely what I meant.


Mauigirl said...

What a lovely scene you painted, I can see you sitting there surrounded by dogs! Our dog barks like that when she wants to play. She doesn't look friendly when she's doing it but that's all it is. Probably the Lab was trying to get you to play with him!

Our dog also loves for us to throw her slimy ball!

Be careful in the reservation now - they're shooting deer...

Congrats on no cavities!

Martta said...

LOL, thanks, Maui! Yeah, I am staying out now (I don't think we have a choice). I hear this deer hunt might take 3 weeks or so. Sheesh. Can't say that I approve of this method of population control.

But yeah, if you ever want a big dose of doggie love, visit the dog park, ANY dog park.