Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Wonderful World of Pilates and Other Stuff

Took my first Pilates class last week and I lurve it!

I describe Pilates as a cross between yoga and and ab buster classes but better. Yoga is just way too mellow for me. I always feel like I want to take a nap--during class! Ab busters are great but they tend to focus on abs only, ignoring the many support muscles in the core. Pilates combines the best of both.

Pilates, like yoga, emphasizes stretching, thereby elongating the muscles, which in my opinion, is a much nicer look than short, tight muscles, especially in the legs. Plus, like yoga, it doesn't just isolate the larger muscle groups, it works on the supporting muscles as well. After just one class, my core felt stronger and tight. Had a little soreness but nothing out of the ordinary.

I am definitely hooked and what's nice is that my gym offers the classes for free. You gotta get there early, though, because these women (it's all women, which is strange) will fight you tooth and nail for a spot.
******************************************************************************Had my 6-month dental check-up today. 36 years and no cavities! Woohoo! I have my mother's good teeth, thank God. Just one thing, though. My dentist is keeping on eye on my top, left wisdom tooth. It's not impacted or anything but there's some irritation in the surrounding gum area because it's so hard to keep clean. Plus, I got gypped: I only have top wisdom teeth, I never developed bottoms! Isn't that strange? But what that means is that as I age, the top teeth are going to "look for" their bottom mates to mesh with. Because the bottoms are non-existent, the top tooth may start moving, causing all kinds of problems, pain, etc. If that happens, I will need to have it removed. Bummer. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

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