Friday, October 21, 2005

Fallen Idol

Note to James Lileks: I usually love reading your column (not so much for its content, albeit, bit for your clever writing style) but did you have to write about your kid's barfing fit in the car? Was it really necessary (or funny)? Apparently you thought so, enough to devote half your column to it. I am sooo glad I was not reading this while eating. On second thought, maybe I SHOULD do that when I have a pesky pound or two to lose. Sheesh.

Repeat after me: Bodily fluids are NOT cute, whether they come from adults, children or cute doggies. Hey, I can sit here and devote a portion of my blog to my God dog's pooping habits. But I'll spare ya'll.

Which brings me to my next brilliant idea: I am stealing one of your ideas, which is to devote different days of your blog to different topics (None of them barf, thank God). Monday, for example, will be people; Tuesday can be places; Wednesday, dogs (since I don't have kids); Thursday, running (my fave pasttime; well, ONE of my fave pasttimes..:-)); Friday, current events of the week; Saturday and Sunday will be "open days," that is anything goes. I might post a short story or poem, a recipe, a health issue, whatevah.

I think this will help streamline my thoughts more and make this blog easier to manage.


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