Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ack, I Have a Headache

Well, not literally. But a figurative headache, while not as physically painful, is still the pits. Why do I have a figurative headache you ask?

It's because of this:

Read it and weep. I don't mind having an intelligent argument with people who have differing opinions but when it disintegrates into name-calling and such, well, have a nice day. This seems to be the case more often than not with Baristanet. I still love the site and do plan to return, just not today.

And for the record, I DO believe that there is such a thing as global warming but I don't believe it's caused entirely by man. There have been fluctuations in the Earth's climate for hundreds of years. Man, in the entire scheme of things, has only been here a short time. We are a pimple on the ass of eternity or something like that.

Do I believe in composting, driving hybrid cars and recycling? ABSOLUTELY! I always did, even before Mr. Liberal Tree Hugger came to town.

And, some of these people are SOOOO hypocritical! They stick up for Nancy Pelosi and her big jets, all the Hollywood limousine liberals, and all the Baristaville soccer moms who drive these enormous behemoths. THAT'S OK, by the way, because because they are doing it for [trumpets please!] THE CHILLLLDRRRUNNN.

Pass me a barf bag. NOW!

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