Monday, November 14, 2005

I Don't Like Spam!

No, I'm not referring to the Monty Python sketch of the same name but to the crap I find in my email box, both at home and at work. Is the Rolex watch company hurting so bad that it needs to send out millions of spam emails a day? Ditto for the pharmaceutical companies. I liked it better when they were selling their wares on the street illegally.

Microsoft's Outlook Express offers a block email feature but as soon as I block one, ten more appear. And they have most inane titles in the subject line, a mere stringing together of words which make absolutely no sense at all: "aspic beetles come hither far," or "bent sausage radio hair." I feel like an unwitting spectator at a Dada symposium poetry fest.

And yes, I have Norton Anti-Virus installed and run Spybot frequently. Doesn't seem to help when it comes to spam.

I am at my wits end and will entertain any suggestions you might have.

1 comment:

Martta said...

Kerstin: If you are selling stuff, you are not welcome on my blog. Now go away, mad or otherwise!
