Monday, November 07, 2005

Please Don't Feed the Bear!

Note to Friends and Family: Yes, I know my birthday is coming up, I know Thanksgiving and Christmas are almost here but please, I implore you: PLEASE DON'T (OVER)FEED THE BEAR!The Bear, of course, being me.

Please don't offer me second helpings, insist I have dessert, make faces when I don't completely clear my plate, keep refilling my wine/beer glass! I have 4 or 5 more races this year and I need to do well. Therefore, I CANNOT gain back the weight I lost this year or I will run like I am wearing lead boots.

It's not that I don't wuv you all (or your cooking). I just want to finish out the year with a bang. I have a chance to make third place in my age for a state running award. Don't blow it!

The Bear thanks you.

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