Thursday, November 10, 2005

November Blues

I love autumn but at this time of year I always get a little blue due to the change in my running schedule. Shorter days means that I cannot run outside after 5 or so which really sucks since I don't get home until around 6:45. So, this means that the treadmill at the gym is my new best friend until late December when the days begin to get longer. Even so, you can never count on the weather in winter: sleet, freezing rain, icy roads, blech. And, there are also more work and family obligations during the fall-winter that encroach on my running schedule (how dare they!) My speed training workouts are also put on hold until March. As is true for many runners, I *lose* a little bit in speed over the winter, which makes me sad.

The up side is that I do spend more time in the gym and get to concentrate on building up my core and upper body and that's not a bad thing.

If I can just get through my birthday and the holidays, I'll be fine. As you all know, there's food EVERYWHERE this time of year: in the office, at friend's homes, even when you go out for lunch in Manhattan, you have the free sample people hawking their wares. Just say "No!"

Speaking of eating, I am really mad at my digital camera right now, if it's possible to get angry at material objects. The thing eats up batteries like there's no tomorrow! Even when it's not in use.

On the day of the NYC Marathon, I discovered the batteries had died and I didn't even use it that much in the last month. I had to make a unscheduled pitstop at Duane Reade for new ones. GRRR! Missed being able to take a photo of the elite women as a result. I even had those *special* batteries in there, the ones created for high-tech appliances.

Not sure what to do about this. The camera was purchased at B&H so I think I'll give them a call. I'm spending a fortune on batteries.

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