Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Theater of the Absurd, Part I

11.9/WEDNESDAY/7 pm.

JON KATZ appears at Watchung Booksellers to discuss his new book, KATZ ON DOGS: A COMMONSENSE GUIDE TO TRAINING AND LIVING WITH DOGS. Note: this is a people-only event.

WTF? How are you supposed to learn how to co-exist with dogs at a people-only event? I swear, there is SOOO much anti-canine-ism in our society today. I thought things would get better by 2005, but noooo! Plenty of "No Dogs Allowed" signs still dot the landscape.

It's a doggone shame.


ARB said...

If only I knew. I could have taken TODAY off instead of Thursday & Friday. Does Jon have an email list?

Martta said...

Actually, I got it from the Montclair Mews newsletter. When I get home, I'll shoot you the email so you can get on if you wish.

ARB said...


ARB said...

I've read almost all his stuff. Never struck me odd (until today, that is) that someone named Katz should write so much about dogs.

Martta said...

Aww, that is sooo cute! I will be there, Dan, as you know. That race is one of my faves.